Instrucion | Short description |
mov dst,src | Copies the value of src into dst |
add dst,src | dst = dst + src |
sub dst,src | dst = dst - src |
mul dst,src | dst = dst * src |
div dst,src | dst = dst / src |
call address | jumps to a memory address, uses 'ret' to return |
jmp address | as above, but without the return capability |
jz address | Conditional jump. Jumps only if the Zero-flag has been set |
cmp a,b | Compares a and b. Sets Zero-flag if they are different |
push a | Saves 'a' on the stack (pile of data, LIFO - Last in, first out) |
pop dst | Saves the top value on the stack in 'dst' and moves the stack pointer |
int a | Calls an interrupt (small program at BIOS or OS-level) |